Gold Nanoparticle: Matter In Its Purest Form
Properties of gold nanoparticle | Image Resource :
The basic concept of colloidal suspension includes submicrosize nanoparticles of gold in a fluid or water solution. The colour of the liquid generally red for particles of 100nm or a variance in colour that is purple or blue for larger particles.
The properties of the colloidal solution of Gold Nanoparticle present includes
1. Molecular and recognition properties of gold nanoparticle.
2. It is uniquely optical.
3. Meant for substantial research in fields including electron microscopy, electronics, and nanotechnology and material science.
4. Smaller particles absorb more easily the solar radiation compared to the larger particles.
5. The presence of magnetic properties present.
6. It has wettability and zeta potential values.
7. Adsorption potential of Gold Nanoparticle.
8. Particle size distribution.
9. Shape and size of interactive particles.
10. Surface area and porosity.
11. Used in biotechnological, pharmacological and pure technological uses.
Know the Uses of Gold Nanoparticles
The uses of the gold nanoparticles makes huge place in the treatment platforms let’s look at the roles and the uses of gold nanoparticles of this colloidal suspension in the various field:
1. Photo thermal Cancer Therapy:
It is a direct method where accessing and destroying of tumour cells can be accomplished by the light sensitive therapy and helps in damaging the proliferated cells. It is mainly focussed to treat small tumours that are very difficult to access and to fill up the drawbacks of the conventional method.
It is a direct method where accessing and destroying of tumour cells can be accomplished by the light sensitive therapy and helps in damaging the proliferated cells. It is mainly focussed to treat small tumours that are very difficult to access and to fill up the drawbacks of the conventional method.
2. Therapy Using Radio Frequency:
Through this process using radio energy tumour cells are damaged and to repair them for better health condition. This technique involves the f x-rays absorption on exposed tissues in an attempt to improve the resulting image quality. In this process a completely different reagent is preferred into the cancer tissue targeted,which results in enhanced x-ray radiation occurrence.
Through this process using radio energy tumour cells are damaged and to repair them for better health condition. This technique involves the f x-rays absorption on exposed tissues in an attempt to improve the resulting image quality. In this process a completely different reagent is preferred into the cancer tissue targeted,which results in enhanced x-ray radiation occurrence.
This therapy includes the annihilation of tumour tissue cells by using differential heating up of cancer tissue, by use of radio frequency. This differential heating occurs because of gradual cooling of heated tissues by heat disposal mechanism of blood flow.
3. Angiogenesis Therapy:
This process is characterised by pre existing blood vessels giving rise to new blood vessels. It involves the extracellular matrix degradation, activation, migration proliferation and endothelial cells differentiation into vessels, and is supposed to play some role in growth and transmission of cancer cells. Inhibitors and Promoters play the role of balancing of formation of blood vessels inthe process ofAngiogenesis. Gold nanoparticle involves the anti-antigenic properties by inhibiting the function of pro-antigenic heparin binding growth factors.